If you are a beginner in the world of strings, then choosing the right guitar for you can be difficult. Being an amateur, you can get confused easily. Not only for beginners but even for experienced musicians, finding a new addition to your collection can be a great challenge. Especially in this modern world, when the variety of guitars is more than ample! The wide array of options having unique features in each of them can leave you overwhelmed.

One of the most famous choices which remained constant in the music industry for so long is Charvel Jackson guitars. Charvel telecaster has many reasons to be loved. Today we will discover all those reasons. Today’s article is dedicated to the amazing features of Charvel telecaster. What makes them so special? Why are they so popular in the music industry? Let us clear all your doubts and curiosity. Come with us to explore the amazing world of Charvel Jackson guitars.

The Impact of Charvel Jackson Guitars on Music History

Charvel Jackson Guitars on Music History

Image source : www.google.com

Wayne Charvel, the original founder of these guitars focused on the repair of guitars. However, it was not until the year 1980 that Charvel gained its much-deserved popularity.

These guitars have left a vast impact on the music industry. A crucial role was played by them in shaping the music industry. Many artists and musicians were widely influenced by the presence of charvel telecaster. Mainly because of its amazing features. Such as-

Precision- The precision in the craftsmanship is exceptional! This precision gives great playability. The unique design of these guitars makes them even more desirable. These guitars are especially famous among the shredders and guitar virtuosos.

Design- Charvel is actually the first ever company which experimented with the creative and innovative design of guitars. They brought the famous 'San Dimas' body shape to the market. Right after the arrival, these designs became really popular among the guitarists.

Shred Revolution- The 1980s was the time when heavy metal and hard rock music were introduced. Charvel guitars played a very important role in this revolution. The high-performance features were like a blessing for this era.

The Art of Playing a Telecaster Guitar

Art of Playing a Telecaster Guitar

Image source : www.google.com

No matter which brand you choose for your telecaster guitar, they are best known for their iconic design and unique sound. Charvel guitar is no exception. Whichever guitar you are playing, it is important to know the art of playing guitar.

Charvel Jackson has brought a revolution in the world of music. mainly because of the versatile and simple guitars. Having only two pickups, a volume knob, and a tone knob is more than enough.

Not to forget about the unique tone that comes out of this guitar. The clarity is absolutely perfect. The bright and clean tones have become the favourite of many musicians. You can achieve this crisp sound by adjusting the tone and volume as per your taste.

While Charvel Telecaster is best known for its simple yet unique design. They are also known for the clear tones that come out of it. They can also deliver the gritty blues and rock sounds that every guitarist wishes to achieve.  If you try switching the neck pickup, you may get a warmer and rounder tone.

5 Reasons to Love Your Telecaster 80s

Love Your Telecaster 80s

Image source : www.google.com

The reasons are more than you can think of! Who does not love the Charvel telecaster? They have made a special place in the world of music. Still, we have curated the top five reasons for you to fall in love with them!

  1. If you love the vintage look then get your hands on Charvel guitar. Because they have a perfect vintage appeal.
  2. Next up is their exceptional build! The quality is so amazing that they promise to give high-quality components that can stand the test of time!
  3. The iconic sounds they make are what makes them even more famous. The timeless tone is what has made telecaster the favourite of many.
  4. If you are someone who is fond of collecting and investing in valued goods then this is your item to invest in! 80s famous telecaster holds a great collector's value.
  5. Lastly, the versatility is outstanding. The range of tone is vast. You can choose the tone as per your mood with just a few adjustments.

Read Also: How To Make a Guitar From Cardboard

What happened to Charvel guitars?

The initial focus was only on the guitar repairment but soon after they gained popularity and recognition in the market. Later on, they were acquired by Grover Jackson Guitars. This partnership resulted in iconic instruments. But soon after in the 1990s, the popularity declined. The early success came to an end. In the 2000s, the reintroduction of classic models was made and since then, Charvel continues to produce quality guitars.

Although, the brand does not dominate the market as it used to. But they are still close to the hearts of many guitarists.

Picture credits: Google

Sonali Tomar